8 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Be Fired from Summer Camp

As a newbie to camp, I was surprised when I heard that it’s guaranteed people get fired from them. So allow me to explain the reasons why you definitely don’t want to be fired from American summer camp, particularly if you are British or an international.

Reasons Not to Be Fired From Camp

  1. The cost of the Visa – Cost of everything is thrown down the drain. Camp America keep all of the costs you paid them and your wages are kept by the summer camp. All of this, means cost to you.
  2. Rumors – The leadership team wants to keep the news to a minimum, which means the staff rumour about what is going on. For a good time, there will be conflicting stories until someone clears up the debacle. And all of this? It makes you look bad.
  3. Miss the rest of camp  – This once in a lifetime opportunity is wasted. You miss the rest of summer camp and will find it hard to be hired again.
  4. Miss the travelling – Any plans you made prior to camp are wasted too. You have to catch the next flight home as it’s illegal to keep you in America. All the plans down the drain, as with any money spent on them. Even if you didn’t have anything booked, there goes your holiday!
  5. Friends at camp lost – They will be lost without you and for the rest of camp will be thinking of you. All of the fun times and memories will be made without you there. Starting to get the hint that this isn’t a great thing to do yet!?
  6. Friends at home shocked – All the talk of going to America for a few months but here you are back in the UK. Sure, it will be funny for a while but this is at your cost. They’re more than likely laughing at you than with you.
  7. You look like a mug – Putting it lightly, you will look like a mug. Your holiday plans are scuppered and your back to boring day to day life. Enjoy going back to work.
  8. Cost of the flight! – This can be astronomical because you’re having to buy the next available flight back home. It’s illegal to stay in the country when unemployed with the J2 visa. So the next flight, you’re paying for!

I hope that clears up some of the reasons why you don’t want to be fired from summer camp. Go out there, enjoy it and don’t get caught!

Pre-Order the Book + Check out the Podcast

If you enjoyed this, how about you check out my podcast? It’s called There’s No Place Like Summer Camp and is available on iTunes here.

If you’re gagging for more, how about this? My book! It’s the diary I kept while volunteering in Camp America for my first summer. There are some hilarious stories as I am new to it all. It’s well worth the read and you can pre-order it here on my website. Coming to Amazon soon too.


I’ll see you next week,


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